Clinicians Love the Pressure Ulcer Guide

The Pocket Guide to Pressure Ulcers, co-authored by myself and Elizabeth Ayello PhD, RN has become a hit with clinicians.  Published by the New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA), we designed this book to be a handy quick reference for doctors, nurses, and other...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Lacking in High Risk Patients

A major study published in The Gerontologist has shown that pressure ulcer prevention measures are lacking in high risk patients.  A research group based in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine studied...

Wound Healing Products: From Ancient to Modern Mythology

Greek mythology tells us that filings from the rusty spear of Achilles were used successfully on a non-healing wound.  To this legacy of using metal derivatives to heal wounds, a newer, more modern mythology has been added.  This is the use of silver in wound-care...

Ping Pong, Aging, and the Disuse Syndrome

On a trip to Australia this past November I had the opportunity to visit with and photograph the oldest professional ping pong player in the world.  98 year old Dorothy DeLow lives in a well kept home nestled in a suburb of Sydney.  She demonstrated her ability to...