Wound Odor: The View from Ancient Greece

The fascinating history of wound care dates back to the earliest human cultures, where prehistoric bones and cave paintings left hints of wound-healing knowledge.  A major problem associated with wounds is odor, a phenomenon recognized for millennia.  In today’s...

Speaking of Aging Skin at NPIAP

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the upcoming National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Annual Conference on the topic of aging skin.  The NPIAP’s core mission is to provide interprofessional leadership to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury...
Is There a COVID-Related Wound?

Is There a COVID-Related Wound?

A variety of skin lesions have been described with Coronavirus infection, also called COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, and this post explores whether there is a link between COVID and wounds. Understanding of this disease is still in the early stages, and it is unclear whether...

Skin Failure at WoundCon 2020

This past winter I presented on SKIN FAILURE at WoundCon, the first of its kind ONLINE Virtual Wound Care Conference and Expo. Brought to you by the publishers of WoundSource®,  this full-day virtual conference on Thursday, April 2, 2020 included a series of CME/CE...