I am pleased to announce that the 2017 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) Biennial Conference entitled Pressure Injury: Advancing the Vision is hosting a panel of experts to discuss the terminology and evidence related to the important issue of end-of-life wounds and skin failure. This panel is only one of the educational components of the Biennial Conference which will take place in New Orleans on March 10 and 11th, which will include presentations on best practices for staging and treatment, palliative care for pressure injuries, and others.
There are currently a number of terms used for the well-recognized phenomenon of skin failure and end-of-life wounds. These include the Kennedy Terminal Ulcer (KTU), Trombley-Brennan Terminal Tissue Injury (TBTTI) and Skin Changes at Life’s End (SCALE). I will be speaking as well as Karen Kennedy-Evans RN, FNP, APRN-BC, R. Gary Sibbald BSc, MD, M.ED, D.SC, Mary Brennan RN, MBA, CWON, Diane Langemo PhD, RN, FAAN, and Stella Mandl RN, BSN, BSW, PHN from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The session will be moderated by Elizabeth A. Ayello PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON.
Each presenter will discuss aspects of the terminology including evidence supporting it, as well as the benefits and consequences of recommended nomenclature. The panel will be followed by case presentations from across the country that illustrate concepts discussed in the panel. The cases will be presented by wound specialists who have submitted photographs and case narratives that were reviewed and accepted by the NPUAP Education Committee.
As Chair of the NPUAP’s Education Committee I am thrilled that NPUAP has the collaboration of these experts, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on this important panel. I hope to see you in New Orleans!
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Related posts:
Skin Failure: An Emerging Concept
Historical Roots of the “Avoidable-Unavoidable” Pressure Ulcer Controversy
Determining the Avoidability of Pressure Ulcers
New Research Sheds Light on Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers
CMS recognizes the Kennedy Terminal Ulcer in Long-term Care Hospitals
NPUAP Introduces New Clinical Practice Guideline for Pressure Ulcers
Jean Martin Charcot’s Lecture on Pressure Ulcers: An Important Historical Document
A friend of mine just passed away. He acquired a stage IV ulcer while hospitalized. His wife and I want to help older people learn about the potential causes and how to prevent the development of pressure ulcers. One day we hope to create an education foundation as we don’t want the same situation to happen to others and unfortunately this risk is high for many persons we know.
Any help you can share we would appreciate.
We are so glad we came across your expertise in our search for more information.
Hi thanks for the note. There is a lot of info on prevention on the NPUAP website: http://www.npuap.org/ that includes free downloads of clinical practice guidelines. You may also want to see my recent paper on skin failure at http://www.jamda.com/article/S1525-8610(16)30054-8/pdf