The Old Man of Lake Titicaca

In 2010 the closing of St. Vincents Hospital in Manhattan gifted me with time to indulge my wanderlust, and so I went to Lake Titicaca in the Bolivian highlands of South America to celebrate the winter solstice with the shamans. On this trip I discovered a ceramic...

Pressure Ulcer as “Never Event”: Fact or Myth?

The term “never event” is commonly applied to pressure ulcers, giving the impression that they are always associated with medical error. As such, it lends this outcome an emotional charge that can lead to misplaced patient dissatisfaction and unnecessary accusations...

Wound Healing in the Geriatric Patient

I recently served as guest editor of a special issue on aging for Today’s Wound Clinic, a magazine devoted to contemporary approaches to wound clinic management.  This special issue on the geriatric patient was published in November/December 2013, Volume 7, Issue 9....