Sep 10, 2013
We often think that medical progress marches in a straight line, but that is not the case. Some ideas change the field rapidly, while others sit by the sidelines for decades before being accepted. Others are accepted by the medical profession like a fad only to fall...
Jul 14, 2013
Over the past month an ancient sculptural masterpiece has been on temporary display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Greek and Roman halls. On loan from Rome’s Museo Nazionale Romano, “Boxer at Rest” depicts a battered pugilist immediately after a...
Apr 22, 2010
Greek mythology tells us that filings from the rusty spear of Achilles were used successfully on a non-healing wound. To this legacy of using metal derivatives to heal wounds, a newer, more modern mythology has been added. This is the use of silver in wound-care...
Feb 3, 2010
Falls are a major problem in geriatric patients. As persons age, falls and their consequences become increasingly more serious. According to the American Geriatrics Society, for those over age 65 and over, 35 to 40% of community dwelling persons fall annually. As...