A Review of the Skin Failure Concept

My new paper entitled Skin Failure: Concept Review and Proposed Model is now available electronically ahead of print (EPUB) on the Advances in Skin and Wound Care website, and will appear in print March of 2022.  The manuscript reviews the skin failure concept,...

Terminal Ulcer Terminology Reconsidered

My new article in Wound Management & Prevention is a critical re-examination of terminal ulcer terminology.  In it I make the case for recognizing terminal ulcers as part of the spectrum of skin failure (and not necessarily heralding death) and used only in...

Prime Time Television, Disease, and Death

I recently experienced the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance during a commercial on the evening world news.  It was an advertisement promoting a diabetes medicine that showed people with diabetes at a barbecue, cooking and dancing.  How different this was from my day...