Elder Abuse on Film: A Geriatrician’s Viewpoint.

This past Halloween weekend I stayed home with my wife and binge watched old horror films that included the suspense thriller, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, released in 1962. This film follows the twisted relationship of two aging sisters. Blanche, played by Joan...

Presenting on Skin Failure at SAWC

I was honored to present my recent paper on skin failure at the Spring meeting of the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) in Phoenix.  The SAWC meeting is an interdisciplinary forum designed for all clinicians who wish to learn state-of-the-art concepts regarding...

A Review of the Skin Failure Concept

My new paper entitled Skin Failure: Concept Review and Proposed Model is now available electronically ahead of print (EPUB) on the Advances in Skin and Wound Care website, and will appear in print March of 2022.  The manuscript reviews the skin failure concept,...

Speaking of Aging Skin at NPIAP

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the upcoming National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Annual Conference on the topic of aging skin.  The NPIAP’s core mission is to provide interprofessional leadership to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury...