Aug 3, 2010
Hear ye! Hear Ye! RAPs are out! CATs and CAAs are in! I chuckle as I write this blog post knowing that few of my regular readers will understand, and have probably clicked off by now. But the few of you who remain know how important this topic is to long-term...
Jul 22, 2010
Another guest blog post by Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, MAPWCA, FAAN Good news! Since the educational training programs held last March and April, CMS has reconsidered its original guidance regarding how to code blister pressure ulcers on the revised...
Jun 7, 2010
Guest Post by Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, MAPWCA, FAAN. Are you ready for the changes in MDS 3.0, Section M: Skin Condition? Having just developed the slide materials and provided the instruction on this for the CMS “Train the Trainer” programs in...