This is the video of the pressure ulcer assessment and coding training session for MDS 3.0 Section M: Skin Condition that I delivered in Las Vegas on August 10, 2010.  It was posted online by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on January 20, 2011.  This lecture was part of the CMS sponsored introduction to MDS 3.0 that was free to any facility or provider who signed up.  CMS is no longer giving this mega-seminar, but if you still want access to the information here it is on YouTube!

To assist with training I posted the slides that accompanied the lecture, downloadable at the link below, followed by other useful study aids for MDS 3.0 Section M: Skin Condition. The slides are reproduced on a 163 page PDF document so you don’t need PowerPoint to view them.  You can view the slides, watch my video, and get free in-depth training on this important topic for resident assessment in long-term care.  The lecture is 1 hour and 42 minutes long and reviews all aspects of prevention, wound identification, staging, and coding, including sample coding challenges and wound quiz. 

For best results, set up two computers.  One computer can show the slides on-screen, and the other can show the video.  For handouts, you can print the slides 6 per page and the separate list of MDS 3.0 Subsections.  The next download reproduces blank forms for MDS 3.0 Section M, and the final download is the RAI Manual chapter for Section M. 

The slide set was developed by CMS with help from my colleague Elizabeth Ayello RN, PhD.  To give the talk I spent hours with Elizabeth getting the concepts down, and more hours on the phone with CMS to make sure I communicated what they wanted.  The best thing about these educational materials is that they are public domain, and free!  “Public domain” means that they are not subject to copyright law and anyone can copy and distribute the material. 


MDS 3.0 Section M: Skin Condition Training Slides.  (PDF format, 1 slide per page, 163 pages total)

MDS 3.0 Section M Training Slides 6 per page  (Handout in PDF format, 6 slides per page, 23 pages total)

List of Subsections for MDS 3.0: Skin Conditions.  (Handout in PDF format, one page only)

